About Us

Centro Cardiológico Pediátrico Valencia [ CARDIOPedVal ]

Our Director Dr. Fernando Prieto, founded CardioPedVal, in the city of Valencia, Venezuela more than 20 years ago with its firm purpose of providing the best care and specialized services in the area of pediatrics and pediatric cardiology.

For years the continuous effort, discipline, integrity and above all perseverance has allowed us to develop our own work process as an innovative model, considering our extensive experience and knowledge; including those diseases that are difficult to diagnose.

Our professional team in the area allows us to provide the best attention and specialized service, always being very clear our role in life and dedicating ourselves for many years to integral health and the health of our children's hearts.

Dr. Fernando Prieto | (Founder and Director)

Our Mission

Achieve in everything possible that our children have a healthy life, satisfying their pediatric and cardiological medical needs with our personalized and high quality care.

Our Vision

Dedicate our lives to the care of our children's health and that of their hearts.


Cardiology is the medical specialty that has made the most progress in recent decades, with numerous treatments and techniques that have improved the treatment and quality of life of patients. Our professional team is available to help you with your cardiovascular health by preventing, diagnosing, and treating cardiovascular disease.

CARDIOPEDVAL be you, Welcome

We are your Pediatric Heart Center Contact us

OUR ATTENTION Personalized

We respect the confidentiality of our patients. Contact Us

PEDIATRICS Specialist Doctors

Our Pediatric Doctors have extensive experience in the health of Children. Contact Us

CARDIOLOGY Special Studies

If you need special studies in Cardiology or Pediatrics, please Contact us

Contact us Make an Appointment

We can coordinate your appointment according to your best availability. Contact us


- Pediatrician and
- Pediatric Cardiology

Emergency Place

All emergencies will be attended in
[ Centro Policlínico Valencia ]


- Echocardiography,
- Electrocardiogram,
- Holter EKG (24 Hour),
- Blood pressure monitoring (MAP),
- Detection of coronary disorders,
- Performance of Effort Test with Band,
- Preoperative evaluation and cardiovascular risk,

24/7 Emergencies

Venezuela Country Code [ +58 ]
Atención Inmediata
[911] / 857-2171
Bomberos Valencia
[241] 859-2045 / 832-0980
Cruz Roja Valencia
[241] 822-7244 / 822-1572
CPV Centro Policlínico Valencia
[241] 820-2600 / 820-2831 / [412] 5021-500
Defensa Civil
[241] 859-3969 / 859-2171 / 859-3801

CPV hospital

why choose CARDIOPedVal

"We are medical professionals focused on the health of our patients and we are totally dedicated to protecting and safeguarding their health, in everything within our reach.
Maintaining patient confidentiality, we guide you with the best treatment options when required, we advise you on everything you need, we make the best diagnoses and establish the best treatment available according to the condition of each patient."
“Make the best and most completed study of patient health.
Order lab tests and interprets the test results.
Perform minor surgeries.
Explain procedures or prescribed treatments to patients Provide the best treatment as possible according to previous studies of the patient.”
”As Pediatricians, we help you determine healthy lifestyles for your child and useful ways of healthy living. We offer tips to prevent diseases and injuries, providing personalized, early and adequate care of acute disease to prevent its progression and any other possible abnormality.
We carry out exhaustive examinations in newborns and young children to verify and record their health and normal physical development, indicating the results to their parents so that we can jointly monitor the child and ensure the best possible healthy growth. Being able to examine children in a timely manner and avoid being sick and reach a diagnosis are just some of our services. Finally, we prescribe medications without being necessary and we give detailed instructions for administration, according to each patient.”
”Our multidisciplinary medical team and our knowledge are available to each patient during their own evaluation.
We suggest that you contact us to coordinate an appointment at our Pediatric Cardiology Center Valencia (CARDIOPEDVAL) to be evaluated.”